Scripture to Read: Daniel 2:16–23
God used Arioch, the king’s commander, to explain to Daniel what was happening. Daniel stood firm on God’s Truth in Daniel 1. If Daniel had compromised in Daniel 1, it’s most possible that Daniel 2 would have never happened. Our life choices can result in God’s favor as we walk in obedience to Him (James 1:25), but the opposite is also true. If we choose to disobey our Lord, this will always result in spiritual death (Romans 6:16, Romans 8:5–8). God gave Daniel favor with Arioch because Daniel walked in God’s Truth. We see the result of God’s favor in Daniel 2:16, for God opened the door for Daniel to make a request of Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel needed time, and God shows us in Daniel 2:17–18 that Daniel went to his friends and asked them to join him in praying. God tells us how Jesus taught His disciples about the importance of prayer in Luke 18:1: "Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart." The way we do not lose heart in times of trials is to go to our Lord and talk to Him. Daniel and his friends asked God for His compassion so they would not be destroyed. The beauty of prayer is that God loves to answer. In Daniel 2:19, we see how God graciously showed compassion to Daniel and his friends and revealed to Daniel the dream. Daniel thanked God in Daniel 2:20–23. We must follow Daniel's example and thank our Lord continuously.
Challenge & Application
• Why did God give Daniel His favor, and when does God give us His favor? (See James 1:25 for help.)
• God continuously gives us good gifts (James 1:17); so, how often should we be thanking God, and why?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!