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Kids Ministry

We love kids

At every age and stage!

Highview Kids Ministry is designed solely for the purpose of helping children know, love, and follow Jesus. Our Kids Ministry is deeply committed to seeing kids reached with the gospel. We believe children are very capable of understanding the truths of the gospel and have the ability to repent of their sin and trust Christ for their salvation.

Biblical Teaching

Big Truths for Little Hearts

From the time they walk through the door, they will enjoy a variety of activities that center around their Bible Story for the day. Children will participate in learning activities, crafts, music, games, and more as they learn about Jesus’ love for them. Preschoolers are invited to stay for continued learning as their parents attend worship.

We teach from the Bible each week using a gospel-centered curriculum. We want kids to understand the entire narrative of Scripture and how each story points to our Savior.

Upcoming Events

Fegenbush Campus
Single Event
Sun, May 11
Fegenbush Campus...

Family Dedication

Family Dedication is an opportunity for parents to publicly affirm their commitment to raise their child(ren) to know and follow Jesus.
Multiple Campuses

VBS Volunteer Sign Up

June 1 - June 5
Multiple Campuses

VBS Volunteer Sign Up

Want to serve at our In VBS at Highview this summer? Sign up here for your preferred serving area.
Multiple Campuses
June 1 - June 4
Multiple Campuses

Vacation Bible School

Join us for the Great Jungle Journey: An epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation!
Multiple Campuses
Multiple Dates
Fri, June 6
Multiple Campuses

Summer Family Fun

Enjoy fun and fellowship with our church family!
All Campuses
July 23 - July 26
Crossings Camp C...


Kids Camp at Crossings Camp Cedarmore for kids entering 3rd-6th grades in the Fall of 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

E-mail or contact one of our Kids Ministry team members with any other questions.

  • Safety, Health, and Security

    We have taken steps to ensure that your children will have good, safe fun learning about Jesus in our Kids Ministry area. All of our volunteers are required to pass a background check before they can begin serving. Each of our campuses is served by a Medical + Security Team, consisting of professionals (doctors, nurses, law enforcement) and volunteers, devoted to preserving the welfare of our church family on Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights. When children are checked into a classroom, parents fill out an identification sticker. The corresponding stub to the child's identification sticker must be presented to sign a child out of his or her classroom. If you have any concerns about the safety and health of your child, feel free to contact one of our staff members.

  • What if my child has allergies?

    We realize that children may have food or environmental allergies ranging from mild to severe. Children's identification stickers (filled out by parents) indicate if they have any allergies that require special attention. All of our classrooms are peanut-free.

  • Connecting on Social Media

    Each campus has a Kids Ministry Facebook group where we share helpful information about upcoming events and other important announcements. To request to join a group, visit the page and click "Join Group." East Campus | Fegenbush Campus | Valley Station Campus