Scripture to Read: Daniel 7:12–27
In Daniel 7:12, the “Ancient of Days” judges the antichrist and his empire. We must know that each conquering empire incorporated the culture of the previous empires. In other words, when Rome came to power, they incorporated the culture of the Greeks, the Medo-Persians, and the Babylonians. Even though Rome was in power, Greece, Persia, and Babylon continued to live on. Therefore, God had Daniel record this in Daniel 7:12, “…an extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time.” That is also why, in Revelation 13:2, John saw all four beasts in one, a union of them all: Babylon, Greece, Persia, and Rome. In Daniel 7:13–14, we have a description of the Son of Man, and God let Daniel see how our Lord Jesus Christ will reign once and for all. But Daniel wanted an interpretation, which we see in Daniel 7:15–27. We don’t know who Daniel asked because God doesn’t tell us. Some think it was the angel Gabriel since God used Gabriel in Daniel 9 to reveal the Seventy Weeks Prophecy. If it was Gabriel, he answered Daniel’s request in Daniel 7:23–27. In Daniel 7:24, Daniel saw the final Gentile power described as ten kings/kingdoms, and they will govern/rule the entire planet. This is the structure through which the antichrist will rule. Three regions will resist him, but he conquers those three, and the other seven accept his control and cooperate with him. Though the antichrist will rule, it will only last him seven years. God will utterly destroy it.
Challenge & Application
• What did God show you today about the antichrist’s kingdom?
• Though Daniel was given the Good News of Christ’s reign in Daniel 7:13–14, why did he want more information about the antichrist’s reign?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!