Day 1

Scripture to Read: Daniel 7:1

Daniel 7:1 says, “In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon,” which would date this to 553 B.C. By God’s sovereign power, He allowed Daniel to see things in his vision that would take place long after 553 B.C. As Christians, we understand that God revealed history through His prophets. History progresses a certain way under God's sovereign hand. We must always remember that God is in control, yet the only way to get a better understanding of this is to understand prophecy. God gave Daniel this vision when he was in his mid-sixties. Now, we must understand that the Book of Daniel was not written chronologically. Therefore, what was recorded in Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 actually occurred before what was recorded in Daniel 5. A total of fourteen years go by in Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 before the events that are recorded in Daniel 5 occur. Remember that Daniel 5 is when the Persians conquered the Babylonians. Also, Daniel 7 reminds us of what was written in Daniel 2. Daniel 2:1 says, “Now in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his sleep left him.” We know from studying Daniel 2 that God had Daniel record a time of history from Nebuchadnezzar’s point of view. However, Daniel 7, though it is a description of the exact same time period, gives the description from his Jewish point of view. As God works through His Word, we must rest and trust in His Spirit to teach us.

Challenge & Application

• What does prophecy teach us about God’s handiwork in history, and also, what does it remind us of about God? • Why is it so important to rest and trust in God and His Holy Spirit in us to teach us from His Word?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

Daniel 7:1 says, “In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon,” which would date this to 553 B.C. By God’s sovereign power, He allowed Daniel to see things in his vision that would take place long after 553 B.C. As Christians, we understand that God revealed history through His prophets. History progresses a certain way under God's sovere...


Day 2

Daniel’s vision is divided into four parts: Four beasts emerge from the sea in Daniel 7:2–3;, we have a description of the four beasts in Daniel 7:4–8; we have God the Father described as “The Ancient of Days” in Daniel 7:9–12; and finally, the vision ends with our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and His establishment of His kingdom in Dan...


Day 3

Read Daniel 7:4. This lion parallels the head of gold Nebuchad-nezzar saw in Daniel 2. Daniel 2:38 reveals that the head of gold is Nebuchadnezzar. The lion is described as having eagle wings, probably referencing the swift conquest of Babylon as she came to power over the nation of Israel. But then the lion's wings were plucked (as if the ru...


Day 4

The third empire Daniel saw was Greece, represented by a leopard. God reveals it is Greece in Daniel 10:20. Nebuchadnezzar saw this same time period as the belly and thighs of bronze in the statue. The leopard had four wings, possibly representing the rapid conquest of Alexander the Great as he led the Grecian Empire to power, conquering Pers...


Day 5

Read Daniel 7:7–8. God gave Daniel a description of ancient Rome, then God moved forward in history to an empire coming. Daniel saw it as a “dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong” beast. In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar saw it as feet with ten toes, which was a mixture of iron and clay. The ten toes in Daniel 2 correlate with the ten horns...


Day 6

In Daniel 7:12, the “Ancient of Days” judges the antichrist and his empire. We must know that each conquering empire incorporated the culture of the previous empires. In other words, when Rome came to power, they incorporated the culture of the Greeks, the Medo-Persians, and the Babylonians. Even though Rome was in power, Greece, Persia, and ...


Day 7

In Daniel 7:25, the antichrist “will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One.” We also see in Daniel 7:21 that Daniel, “…kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them.” The “saints” mentioned are the people who will surrender to Christ during the tribulation because those ...
