Scripture to Read: Daniel 7:2–14
Read Daniel 7:7–8. God gave Daniel a description of ancient Rome, then God moved forward in history to an empire coming. Daniel saw it as a “dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong” beast. In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar saw it as feet with ten toes, which was a mixture of iron and clay. The ten toes in Daniel 2 correlate with the ten horns in Daniel 7:7–8. The ten horns represent ten regions of power that will cover the earth. This will be the antichrist's empire. In Daniel 7:23, God clarifies that the antichrist's empire will cover the earth. In Daniel 7:8, Daniel saw this little horn rise up (a reference to the antichrist). When the antichrist reveals himself, three of the ten horns will rebel against him, and he will overpower them. Our world is being set up for the antichrist to come. In Revelation 13:2, John saw the same thing. However, the order changes in John’s vision. God allowed John to see a beast, a leopard, a bear, and a lion, just the opposite of Daniel. God had Daniel looking into the future while God had John looking into the past. God also allowed Daniel to see “the Ancient of Days” (God Himself) in Daniel 7:9–12 as Daniel saw this evil coming to an end and God reigning. Daniel did not just see how bad things would be, but God gave Daniel hope. Judgment will come for everyone, and God reveals that in Acts 17:31, which is why people must surrender to Christ as Lord now and obey Him.
Challenge & Application
• What was the hope that God allowed Daniel to see as God showed him what was to come for the nation of Israel?
• Since judgment will come to everyone, what is our key role in this life right now as we walk with our Lord?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!