Day 1

Scripture to Read: Luke 2:22-24

We have to look at the Mosaic Law to understand Luke 2:22-24. When a Jewish woman had a baby, she was considered ceremonially unclean (Leviticus 12:2). According to Leviticus 12:2-4, if the parents had a male child, they were to circumcise their son on the eighth day after his birth. This covenant was set forth by God, with Abraham, in Genesis 17:12. The mother of the male child was considered unclean for 33 days following her son’s circumcision. On the fortieth day, after her son’s birth, the mother was to present a burnt offering as well as a sin offering to the priest. The sin offering would make atonement for her, and she’d be ceremonially cleansed (Leviticus 12:6-7). Why was every firstborn male to be called holy before the Lord (Luke 2:23)? The answer is in Exodus 13:1-2. Dedicating the firstborn son reminded the Jews that God had spared the firstborn Israelites at Passover, in Egypt, when He delivered them from slavery. God had chosen the Levites for His priesthood (Numbers 3:12). Therefore the firstborn of other tribes was not required to serve as
priests, but their parents were to pay five shekels to the priest (Numbers 3:13; 8:17-19; 18:15-16). In Luke 2, we see no mention of this five shekel payment, because Jesus was dedicated to God’s service. Mary alluded to this in Luke 1:46-55. Mary and Joseph recognized Jesus as the Messiah and dedicated Him to God the Father’s service.

Challenge & Application

What did you learn that you did not know before about what’s recorded in Luke 2:22-24? When you think about what you learned today for the Jews to be in right fellowship with God, what do you see that’s different for us today as Christians?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

We have to look at the Mosaic Law to understand Luke 2:22-24. When a Jewish woman had a baby, she was considered ceremonially unclean (Leviticus 12:2). According to Leviticus 12:2-4, if the parents had a male child, they were to circumcise their son on the eighth day after his birth. This covenant was set forth by God, with Abraham, in Genesi...


Day 2

We continue in Luke 2:24 because, in many religions, it’s taught that Mary was sinless because she gave birth to our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people also think the wise men came to the manger to see Jesus (Matthew 2:11), but Luke 2:24 confirms that they did not. What we find is that Mary’s offering of two birds proves that Mary and Joseph were...


Day 3

Sadly, almost every modern translation of the Bible leaves out one important word, in verse 25, that is present in all the Greek texts. The word “BEHOLD!” Charles Spurgeon reminds us that, “Behold is a word of wonder; it is intended to excite admiration. Wherever you see it hung out in Scripture, it is like an ancient sign-board, signifying t...


Day 4

God leads Simeon, by His Holy Spirit, to the temple. God, through His Holy Spirit, has been working the same way since the beginning of our time. The only difference was that in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would come upon believers and indwell believers, but would not remain in them or on them. We can see several passages in the OT on ...


Day 5

Simeon’s declaration is absolutely tremendous, as he declares who he is and who Jesus is as the Lord and King of all. Simeon first announces that he is a bond-servant of God in verse 29. The term “bond-servant” in the New Testament is a translation of the Greek word “doulos.” In the time of the New Testament, a bond-servant referred to someon...


Day 6

As Simeon is declaring who the baby Jesus is, both Mary and Joseph are amazed. Mary and Joseph had both already heard, from the angel Gabriel, about who Jesus was, is and always would be, as Lord and Savior for all mankind. We’re not sure if their amazement was at the fact that Simeon was declaring what they already knew, or that Simeon was n...


Day 7

Simeon lets Mary know that a sword will pierce even to her soul. This piercing happened when Jesus was crucified. We can read the account in the Gospels and see the brokenness of Mary as she weeps for her earthly son and heavenly King. But, the thoughts of many hearts are revealed through our Lord Jesus Christ, for He reveals to us our sin so...
