Day 2

Scripture to Read: 1 Timothy 2:10

As we saw in yesterday’s devotion, how a godly woman adorns herself is very important to our God and King. Today, we continue in 1 Timothy 2:10, where God really hones in on a godly woman’s actions. Now, this truth in God’s Word is not just for godly women, just like yesterday’s devotion was not just for godly women either. Godly men are also called to dress appropriately and make sure our actions bring honor to our Lord and King. We’ll see more of this in 1 Timothy 3, but for now, we need to understand that the truth in God’s Word about how we dress and act can be applied to both godly women and godly men. God wants us to be about fulfilling the good works He has prepared for us to walk in each day. We have seen this in other devotions, but God highlights it again in 1 Timothy 2:10. We must adorn ourselves in a manner worthy of our King by walking in obedience to Him by doing the works He has called for us to do. God created us to fulfill these good works as noted in Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14, Titus 3:8, and 1 Peter 4:10. God gave us His Holy Spirit so that we have the incredible ability to walk in the good works He has laid out for us. What we must do each day is ask God for the fullness of His discernment so we do not miss what He has for us to do.

Challenge & Application

1. What did God teach you today about fulfilling the good works He has for you to do? 2. How will you fulfill the good works God has for you today, this week, this month, and even this year?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

God has taught us so much so far as we have been walking through the book of 1 Timothy 2. This week, we will examine what God led Paul to write about a godly woman’s role. Today we focus on a godly woman’s attire. A godly woman's attire was so important when God led Paul to write this to Timothy because the city of Ephesus was full of temples...


Day 2

As we saw in yesterday’s devotion, how a godly woman adorns herself is very important to our God and King. Today, we continue in 1 Timothy 2:10, where God really hones in on a godly woman’s actions. Now, this truth in God’s Word is not just for godly women, just like yesterday’s devotion was not just for godly women either. Godly men are also...


Day 3

God has always placed a specific order of leadership in every area of our lives. We will look at several Scriptures over the next few days to better understand what God’s system of authority looks like in His Word. If we only read 1 Timothy 2:11 by itself, it sounds as if God is telling all women that they must remain quiet and receive instru...


Day 4

As we continue to unpack the line of authority that God has put in place, today we read 1 Timothy 2:12. God led Paul to explain that a woman was not allowed to have authority over a man but that she should remain peaceable. Some translations use the word “quiet,” but peaceable may be a better translation. God led Paul to use the same word tra...


Day 5

We have been unpacking God’s design of authority in His way. Today we read 1 Timothy 2:13, and though the verse is short, it comes loaded with much more of God’s Truth. In reality, we can see in 1 Timothy 2:13 that the main reason God placed man as the authority in the home and the church is that man was created first. Adam, the first man, wa...


Day 6

God continues to give us clarity on why He chose to place man as the head in the home and the church. Today, we read that Adam was not deceived, but it was Eve who was deceived. The reason God brings this truth to light is that it also is tied to the different roles of authority that God has given to men and women. We know that both Adam and ...


Day 7

We finish up our walk through 1 Timothy 2:9-15 today. 1 Timothy 2:15 has been a difficult passage to interpret for many over the years. To say that it means a woman will never die in childbirth if she lives a godly life would be a horrible interpretation. There have been many godly women who have died during childbirth over the centuries. The...
