Day 4

Scripture to Read: 1 Peter 1:1-2

Today we focus on God the Father. Though God is One, He has made Himself known to us in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As God led Peter to write 1 Peter, we read today that God the Father knew each of us and chose us before anything was ever created. Being chosen is a great feeling, for when we know that we’re chosen, we know that we are unconditionally cared for and loved. For a lot of us, we remember as kids getting all of the kids in the neighborhood together to play either kickball, baseball, soccer, basketball, football, softball, or some other game that required picking teams. There were always two team captains and then the choosing would begin. All the other kids would stand in a line, side by side waiting to get picked. The most challenging thing about the whole process was waiting for one of those captains to choose us. Of course, everyone waiting was hoping that they would NOT be the last one picked. The Good News we read in God’s Word today is that God chose each one of us, FIRST! Long before we ever knew God the Father, He knew us and created us so we could have a relationship with Him. What God is waiting on now is for all of His creation to choose Him back. We must make the choice, even as believers, to pursue our King, follow His Word, and make Him known. Let’s always remember that God the Father’s love for us has been, and is, everlasting.

Challenge & Application

1. What difference do you think it makes for people to know that God has already chosen them to be a part of His family? 2. How do you see yourself now that you know that God chose you first, even before you were created?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

This week we begin a brand new study on the book of 1 Peter. God led the apostle Peter to write this letter to the believers in his day. But, as we examine all that God led Peter to write, we’ll see how God is speaking directly to us today as well. Peter was one of the original disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Peter was originally a fisher...


Day 2

Persecution is our focus today because in 1 Peter 1:1, we see that the believers had been scattered. Persecution of Christ’s followers has been going on since the beginning of the church. In Acts 6, Stephen is introduced, for Stephen became the first martyr (the first Christian killed because of his faith in Christ) for proclaiming Christ as ...


Day 3

Living in a country that is not the same place where you were born means you are a foreigner. Some would call those people aliens, strangers, immigrants, outsiders, and maybe even unwelcome. As God led Peter to write this first letter, Peter described the believers he was writing to as aliens, exiles, or foreigners. These followers of Christ ...


Day 4

Today we focus on God the Father. Though God is One, He has made Himself known to us in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As God led Peter to write 1 Peter, we read today that God the Father knew each of us and chose us before anything was ever created. Being chosen is a great feeling, for when we know that we’re chosen, w...


Day 5

Today we look at the work of the Holy Spirit. When we came to the point of surrendering to Jesus Christ as our Lord, He immediately came to live in us through His Holy Spirit. Jesus talked a lot about the Holy Spirit in the book of John. Jesus said this about the Holy Spirit before the Holy Spirit came to dwell in saved souls in John 14:16-17...


Day 6

So far this week, God the Father has encouraged us to recognize the fullness of His work in our lives as Father, Son, and Spirit. Today God reveals to us that because His Holy Spirit has made us holy (and continues His work of making us holy each day) that He (the Holy Spirit) also gives us His power (because He lives in us) to obey our Lord ...


Day 7

Today we prepare our hearts as our pastors unpack 1 Peter 1:1-2. As we finish with verse 2 today, we see a word of blessing to the first Christians and also to us today. In the Amplified Version of the Bible, the end of 1 Peter 1:2 reads as follows, “May grace and peace [that special sense of spiritual well-being] be yours in increasing abund...
