Dealing With Mess in Discipleship
November 30, 2018
Once in a while I will spend the day cleaning the entire house. My wife and kids will be at practice or running errands, and I'll get things looking nice. After a few hours, everything will be in order and looking pristine until they get home for a solid fifteen...
The First Disciples We Should Make
October 26, 2018
A disciple maker is very simply someone who follows Jesus themselves, while intentionally inviting others into their lives to be impacted by Jesus like they have. There is no place where this is more relevant than our homes. We are commanded by our King Jesus to make disciples of all...
Making Disciples in a Divided Culture
October 12, 2018
Recently there was a cultural explosion over a Nike ad featuring Colin Kaepernick. It reignited the ongoing debate over NFL players kneeling during the national anthem to protest social injustices in America. How should the church speak to divisive issues like these? And what does it mean for how we...
Fishing For Men and Women
September 14, 2018
As Jesus called the first disciples to follow him, He was very clear about the destination of their journey. He told them that after they spent time together and being taught by Him, they would become fishers of other men.
When is it Time to Multiply Your Group?
August 31, 2018
As disciple makers, we know that the end game of discipleship is reproducing. We must pour into the people we are discipling with the vision and tools they need to become a disciple maker in their sphere of influence. This is really what makes discipleship unique from a Bible study...