Day 2

Scripture to Read: John 6:25–26

Since the crowd (in John 6:23–24) went searching for Jesus, they took advantage of the boats from Tiberias to make their way to Capernaum. We read in John 6:25 that the crowd found Jesus and questioned how He ended up arriving in Capernaum. Jesus never answered their question but instead said this in John 6:26, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled.” Though the crowd was anxious to find Jesus, they were anxious for the wrong reason—they were just hoping to be fed again. We must guard against the temptation of seeking after Jesus hoping to get something materialistic from Him. It’s not wrong to ask our Lord to meet our needs, because He is the only One who can provide for our needs (James 1:17). But when we only seek after Him just to meet our wants, then we fall prey to treating our Lord not as our Master, Lord, King, and Savior but more like a genie in a bottle. Our Lord wants us to be filled with Him and His Word. He desires that we hunger and thirst more for Him and His Word than we do for the things of this world. We must examine what we long for each day to test our desires. The things that our hearts and minds hunger for usually are where we find ourselves spending most of our time and energy. Just saying we love our Lord and His Word is never enough.

Challenge & Application

• Are you hungering for Christ and His Word as God tells us in 1 Peter 2:2? And if not, why not? • How are you prioritizing your day to make sure you have sweet fellowship with the Lord and His Word?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

Being a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ means that things that can’t be explained will sometimes happen. We see that today in John 6. After Jesus fed the five-thousand-plus people in John 6:1–21, He told His disciples to take the boat across the Sea of Galilee, and Jesus went off to pray. The crowd had seen Jesus send His disciples off, and...


Day 2

Since the crowd (in John 6:23–24) went searching for Jesus, they took advantage of the boats from Tiberias to make their way to Capernaum. We read in John 6:25 that the crowd found Jesus and questioned how He ended up arriving in Capernaum. Jesus never answered their question but instead said this in John 6:26, “Truly, truly, I say to you, yo...


Day 3

Our Lord is always challenging us through His Holy Spirit and His Word to continually grow and mature as His children. Jesus’ desire for all of us as His children is that we pursue Him and not the things of this world. Jesus said to the crowd in John 6:27, “Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal lif...


Day 4

When Jesus challenged the crowd to seek after the food that gives them eternal life, the people responded in John 6:28, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” The crowd wanted to know what good works they needed to do to please God. People today are still trying to please God their way. Everyone is looking for the magic for...


Day 5

After the crowd reminded Jesus about the manna in the wilderness, Jesus quickly set them straight and told them that His Father gave the bread in the wilderness and He also gave “the bread… which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world” (John 6:33). The people heard this and quickly responded with, “Lord, always give us this bre...


Day 6

The Jews then grumbled at the fact that Jesus had told them He had come down out of heaven (John 6:41–42). Jesus actually mentioned six different times that He had come down out of heaven (John 6:33, John 6:38, John 6:41, John 6:50, John 6:51, and John 6:58). The problem that the Jews had was that they thought themselves to be already chosen ...


Day 7

Jesus, in John 6:52–58, had told the crowd that “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.” Jesus set the crowd's hearts on edge to question what He said. But Jesus never leaves any of His followers in the dark but always gives His Light to His Truth. Jesus told them in John 6:63, “It is t...
