Scripture to Read: John 2:14–16
Every Jew coming to the Passover would bring a sacrificial lamb to the temple. Everyone knew what God had commanded, and they knew there was no forgiveness for their sins without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). The problem was that the temple priests would take advantage of the Jews coming to Jerusalem to observe the Passover. The temple priests would tell the Jews that the sacrifice they brought was not sufficient but that they could buy a sacrificial lamb, bull, or dove from the temple priests that was worthy of being sacrificed. Trusting the temple priests, the Jews would buy a “worthy” sacrificial lamb, bull, or dove from them. But the priests would also take the lamb the Jews had initially brought with them and then pocket the money they gained from selling them an additional animal for sacrifice. Jesus knew that the temple priests were cheating the people and that is why He said in John 2:16, “Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” The temple priests had made the celebration of the Passover a money-making business. But the Passover was supposed to be a time to worship and thank God for His deliverance, not only from Egypt so long ago but also a covering of their sins through the blood sacrifice. At the time that our Lord Jesus Christ was there, God’s temple was being used for all the wrong reasons—that is why Jesus made a whip and drove them all out of the temple (John 2:14–15).
Challenge & Application
• Why was Jesus so upset with what was happening in the temple in His day?
• We observe the Lord’s Supper to remember what Christ did for us; so, how could religious leaders misuse it?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!