Scripture to Read: Daniel 11:36–45
Daniel 11:36–45 is all about the coming Antichrist. There’s about a 2,600-year leap between Daniel 11:35 and Daniel 11:36. This section of Scripture talks about a king wanting to be worshiped and demanding worship. That does not fit Antiochus IV because Antiochus IV set up a temple of Jupiter (some would say Zeus) in the temple of the Jews. But the Antichrist will set up a statue of himself in the Jewish temple. Antiochus IV never demanded worship above all that is called God, but the man that’s described in Daniel 11:36–45 does that. Also, this king is at war with both the North and the South according to Daniel 11:40. Antiochus IV represented the North in his kingdom. Daniel 11:36–45 are consistent with other Scriptures that speak of the coming Antichrist, like 2 Thessalonians 2:4, “who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” It also fits with the descriptions in Revelation 13 & 17. Again, there is a gap of about 2,600 years in Nebuchadnezzar’s statue between the two legs of iron and the feet with ten toes (the future kingdom of the Antichrist). We’re waiting for those ten toes to come into existence. Prophecy is proof of divine inspiration. We believe that the Bible was inspired by God. God does not expect us to believe something blindly. The goal of God revealing these things in advance is to produce faith, to understand who God is, and to trust in Him.
Challenge & Application
• We know the end gets closer every day so it’s imperative that we stay the course and make disciples of Christ. So, how are you fulfilling Matthew 28:19–20?
• Believing God’s Word produces a deeper intimacy with Him. So, how is your faith growing in Him and His Word each day?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!