Scripture to Read: Daniel 10:1–6
We know spiritual warfare is real (Ephesians 6:12) and that is why we should never be surprised when we face struggles. In Daniel 10:14, the angel told Daniel that he came to inform Daniel what would happen to Israel. We know there’s a coming conflict that will be ended by our Lord, and His kingdom will be established on earth for a thousand years. Though some theologians think the pre-incarnate Christ spoke to Daniel due to the description given in Daniel 10:5–6 being similar to Christ’s description in Revelation 1:13–15, it is unlikely that it was Christ. Christ would never have been detained by Satan or demons (Daniel 10:13) or needed help from one of His archangels, Michael, to overcome Satan or demons. It is likely that God sent Gabriel since God had already used Gabriel to deliver earlier messages to Daniel (Daniel 8:16, Daniel 9:20–21). God also used Gabriel to deliver messages to Zacharias and Mary (Luke 1:19, Luke 1:26). Daniel had been asking God for insight, and Satan had been doing all he could to keep that delivery from happening. God wants to give us biblical insight every day as we read, study, and memorize His Word. Satan and the spiritual forces of wickedness are always working to prevent us from receiving what God wants us to have (Ephesians 6:10–18). Therefore, we must prepare daily for the spiritual battlefield. As we grow in Christ, Satan and the demons seek new ways to take us down (1 Peter 5:6–9). Therefore, we must stand firm in our Lord and His strength.
Challenge & Application
• Since spiritual warfare is real, what must we do daily to prepare for the spiritual battlefield we walk into?
• Daniel never gave up on praying and fasting as he waited for our Lord to answer; so, what does God teach us about the daily discipline we must have in our prayer lives?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!