Day 1

Scripture to Read: Daniel 10:1–3

In Daniel 10:1, God revealed it was the third year of Cyrus (king of Persia, the fourth king Daniel served under), which would have been 536 B.C. (Daniel would have been in his mid-80s). God used Cyrus to release the children of Israel back to their homeland after their 70 years in exile. God had Isaiah write of Cyrus 200 years in advance in Isaiah 44:28: “It is I who says of Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd! And he will perform all My desire.’ And he declares of Jerusalem, ‘She will be built,’ And of the temple, ‘Your foundation will be laid.’” Also, Cyrus was an unbeliever, for God had Isaiah record in Isaiah 45:4, “…though you have not known Me.” Though Cyrus did not know God, God used him to fulfill His will. In Daniel 10:2–3, we read how Daniel prayed and fasted for three weeks, waiting to hear from our Lord. In Daniel 10:4–7, an angel appeared to Daniel, and though no one else saw the angel, everyone ran due to fear. In Daniel 10:8–12, the angel reassured Daniel that the reason he was there was because Daniel had humbled himself before God and that God sent him to respond to Daniel’s prayer. Daniel’s prayer was not answered due to a spiritual conflict (Daniel 10:13) between the angel and a demon, perhaps Satan, hovering over Persia. When we under¬stand spiritual warfare, we understand why God commands us to pray (Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 4:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 1 Timothy 2:1–3, 1 Peter 4:7).

Challenge & Application

• God used King Cyrus, a lost man, to fulfill His will in releasing the Israelites after their 70 years of exile. What does that teach us about God’s sovereign rule over everything? • Why was the angel hindered in getting to Daniel, and why does God command us to pray fervently?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

In Daniel 10:1, God revealed it was the third year of Cyrus (king of Persia, the fourth king Daniel served under), which would have been 536 B.C. (Daniel would have been in his mid-80s). God used Cyrus to release the children of Israel back to their homeland after their 70 years in exile. God had Isaiah write of Cyrus 200 years in advance in ...


Day 2

We know spiritual warfare is real (Ephesians 6:12) and that is why we should never be surprised when we face struggles. In Daniel 10:14, the angel told Daniel that he came to inform Daniel what would happen to Israel. We know there’s a coming conflict that will be ended by our Lord, and His kingdom will be established on earth for a thousand ...


Day 3

If the heavenly messenger from God was the archangel Gabriel, we read from Daniel 10:11 to Daniel 11:1 several things the angel communicated with Daniel. He told Daniel in Daniel 10:12, “Do not be afraid....” As Christians, we need to take these words to heart. Too many people live on the basis of fear, and we know that when we fear, our mind...


Day 4

As the angel spoke, we see Daniel’s reaction in Daniel 10:15–17. If God opened our eyes to the spiritual realm, we’d probably faint from fear. Therefore, the angel told Daniel again in Daniel 10:19, “do not be afraid. Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!” The angel told Daniel in Daniel 10:21, “…I will tell you what is inscribed...


Day 5

Daniel 11:36–45 is all about the coming Antichrist. There’s about a 2,600-year leap between Daniel 11:35 and Daniel 11:36. This section of Scripture talks about a king wanting to be worshiped and demanding worship. That does not fit Antiochus IV because Antiochus IV set up a temple of Jupiter (some would say Zeus) in the temple of the Jews. B...


Day 6

We must remember that only God can transform a heart. God changes our hearts through regeneration. Titus 3:5 says, “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” God gives us a new heart and a new nature. God shows us in ...


Day 7

Daniel 12:1 happened in the same era as the events in Daniel 11:36–45. The angel Michael is often associated with spiritual battles (Daniel 10:13, Daniel 10:21, Jude 1:9, and Revelation 12:7). Michael is appointed by God to stand watch over Israel. The “time of distress” in Daniel 12:1 refers to the time of persecution that Israel and the res...
