Day 5

Scripture to Read: 1 Thessalonians 3:3

When we consider the tests and trials we walk through, they can be unsettling and can get us side-tracked in our walk with Christ. We can become so focused on the test or trial that we miss what God is trying to teach us through the test or trial. As we saw in yesterday’s devotion, God had laid it on Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy’s hearts to send Timothy to Thessalonica to encourage and strengthen the believers there. As we read today in 1 Thessalonians 3:3, we find that Timothy was sent to Thessalonica so that none of the believers would become overwhelmed by the difficulties they were facing. The believers in Thessalonica were going through some major persecution as Christians. God reminds the believers in Thessalonica, and of course us today, that as believers none of us should be surprised by the persecution or struggles we face in this life. We, as believers, should know that we have all been destined for tests, trials, tribulations, and even persecution. Jesus makes it clear that the lost world is going to hate us because it hated Him and still hates Him today. We find this truth in John 15:18-19, and then Jesus also says in John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” Knowing we’ll face hard times should motivate us all the more to passionately pursue Christ and His Word every day.

Challenge & Application

1. What did God teach you today about tests, trials, tribulations and persecution? What should you do, knowing what you’ve been taught? 2. Who will you share this truth with this week?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

During the craziness of COVID-19, we’ve all been taken away from each other to help protect people and hopefully see COVID-19 stopped. When times like this occur, we are reminded that God created us for fellowship with each other and fellowship with Him. We’ve been given the blessing of technology so that even though we cannot be in the same ...


Day 2

As we continue to examine God’s Word, we need to focus today on the people God has given us the privilege to disciple as followers of Christ. We have one short verse today, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, but because it is God’s Word it is packed with life and action for each of us. The people God has placed in our lives are there for His purpose. God ...


Day 3

God’s Word is incredibly powerful. We know this but often forget this truth because we do not feed on His Word enough. God uses His Word to transform us, fill us, nourish us, challenge us, guide us, lovingly correct us, encourage us, implore us, and even exhort us. So, even though today’s verse is even shorter than yesterday’s verse, God stil...


Day 4

There are times in our lives when the tests and trials that we are walking through become overwhelming. We get to the point where we need a break of some kind, a reprieve, so we can take a deep breath and keep moving forward. As we focus on 1 Thessalonians 3:1-2, we see that Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy had gotten to the point that they needed...


Day 5

When we consider the tests and trials we walk through, they can be unsettling and can get us side-tracked in our walk with Christ. We can become so focused on the test or trial that we miss what God is trying to teach us through the test or trial. As we saw in yesterday’s devotion, God had laid it on Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy’s hearts to se...


Day 6

In today’s Scripture, God uses Paul to share with us, and the believers in Thessalonica, that persecution, tests, trials, and tribulation in this life should not surprise us. It’s interesting to note that as Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy were living in Thessalonica and sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, they continually included in th...


Day 7

Today we learn that God had led Paul to tell the believers in Thessalonica that he had gotten to the point that he could endure the waiting no longer. We read earlier this week that Satan had hindered Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy from all getting a chance to travel back to Thessalonica to check on all of the believers living there. Paul, Silva...
