Starting a D-Group


Be Sent by Jesus


D-Group Basics



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After identifying the people that God has put in our life to invest in, we must have a clear and strategic plan to disciple them. Discipleship is not so much about having the perfect content, but it’s about having an intentional plan of where you are trying to help people get to. There are a few things that can help us develop a plan for discipling others.

Read Mark 1:17
Discuss: Jesus’ plan for His disciples.


Be clear

During the first few meetings, you will want to clearly communicate the purpose for meeting together. As Jesus told His followers, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” It is helpful to let people know that the goal is to grow in Christ and to reproduce themselves in others. During this time, you will want to let them know the time commitment and to count the cost of being in a discipleship relationship.

Consider covenant

It is not an absolute necessity, but many effective disciple makers have asked members of their discipleship group to sign a covenant promising commitment to be faithful in growing with the group and reproducing themselves. At the least, group members should verbally commit to being faithful.

Read Luke 14:25-33
Discuss: How Jesus communicated expectations of following Him.


Length of meetings

It is suggested that meetings last between 1 hour -1 hour 30 minutes.

Structure of meetings

Plan the structure of your meetings to cover:
1. A look back - Prayer, ask accountability questions about previous week, share memory verses, and discuss bible reading and journal entries (follow the leading of the Holy Spirit).
2. A look in - Discuss current lesson in depth. 
3. A look ahead - Challenge in how to apply the scripture in the coming week and pray.

Rhythm of meetings

Be sure to build in time to share life on life experiences and demonstration with your group. It is suggested to do one life-on-life experience every 2-3 formal meetings. This could be choosing to hang out, enjoy a meal, spend time in home, do mission together, exercise, and more. Invite them into the regular schedule of your life just to be with you.

Discuss: How you could best plan a rhythm of formal meetings and life on life experiences.
How can you build evangelism and mission into these times?


Make a plan

Develop a plan for how you will pass on the elements of discipleship.

Things to remember

- Remember the Bible is your curriculum.
- Remember it is helpful to plan, but we also must be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit and follow His direction.

Below is an example of a discipleship plan.

How will I teach them to be with Jesus? (Spiritual Disciplines)

w1 - Bible reading (SOAP journal method)
w2 - Prayer (ACTS prayer)
w3 - Scripture memory
w4 - Life on life/demonstration
w5 - Evangelism
w6 - Generosity
w7 - Life on life/demonstration

How will I teach them to be grounded in Jesus? (Theology)

w1 - The Scriptures
w2 - God
w3 - Life on life/demonstration
w4 - Man
w5 - Salvation
w6 - Life on life/demonstration

How will I teach them to be conformed to Jesus? (Transformation/obedience)

w1 - Love and obedience
w2 - Being conformed to Christ
w3 - Life on life/demonstration
w4 - Fighting idols
w5 - Lust
w6 - Materialism
w7 - Life on life/demonstration

How will I teach them to be sent by Jesus? (Multiply)

w1 - The great commission
w2 - The art discipleship
w3 - Life on life/demonstration
w4 - Investing in others
w5 - Reproduce yourself

Personal Application

Discuss the significance of the Bible being your curriculum.
Begin crafting your own discipleship plan.