Scripture to Read: Hebrews 6:9-12
Today we walk through verses 9-12 and uncover more of God’s rich truth. We need to remember that the Jewish Christians the letter of Hebrews was originally written to, were going through intense persecution and were struggling, because of the persecution, in their walk with our Lord Jesus Christ. As God led the writer to pen His Word, we find today a word of encouragement. First, we read in verse 9, that even though the warning was given that many will hear of Christ but never really surrender to Him, that these Jewish Christians were fighting the good fight. God says, through the writer, that these Jewish Christians were meant for “better things” that accompany salvation. This same truth, being meant for “better things” that accompany salvation, applies to us as well. We need to know that no matter what trials and tests we face in this life, that better things are yet to come, not in this life but when we get home to be with our Lord forever. Remaining faithful in our walk with our Lord, here on earth, is evidenced through loving others the way God loves us. We remain faithful by obeying God’s Word and walking in daily fellowship with Him. We love others by meeting the needs of others and sharing Christ through words and actions. By serving and loving others, we will not become lazy and sluggish, but we will imitate our Lord Jesus Christ and other believers who have lived before us and persevere to the end.
Challenge & Application
How are you loving and serving others in your home, in your work or school, and in other areas of your life? Who will you share these truths with today, and how will you help them live these truths out?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!