Day 7

Scripture to Read: Genesis 4:17-26

We don’t know what kind of mark God placed on Cain to protect him (Genesis 4:15), but it was most certainly clear for all to see. After God’s judgment is declared, Cain left to settle in Nod. In Genesis 4:17-22, God lays out Cain’s lineage. God never puts something in His Word that is non-important. Even though the linage may seem unimportant to us, God wants us to know these people and what role they play in His plan. Lamech is mentioned as one of Cain’s descendants. In Genesis 4:19, Lamech took for himself “two wives,” making Lamech the first polygamist in the Bible. Polygamy was and still is absolutely outside the bounds of God’s plan for marriage. God’s intent for marriage has ALWAYS been to be one man for one woman. In Genesis 2, God made “a helper” for Adam, not several helpers. In Genesis 2:24, God revealed the pattern of a man leaving his family to “be joined to his wife,” not wives. Lamech, therefore, was living in sin by having two wives, and he also committed the sin of murder. The lineage of Cain continued to show the effects of sin on the human heart, which also showed a lack of fearful respect for our Lord and love and respect for mankind. Then, in Genesis 4:25-26, we see God miraculously provide for Adam and Eve after losing Cain and Abel. Through Adam and Eve’s lineage, we also see that people began to worship and call on the name of the Lord. May our lineage do the same.

Challenge & Application

1. What did God teach you today about the effects of sin on our descendants? 2. How are you striving to live for our Lord and be an example for those who follow in your steps?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

We start today by going back to Genesis 3:15 as a reminder that this Scripture is called the “first gospel” because we see the picture of Christ’s crucifixion and His victory over Satan, as well as the power and penalty of sin. The word Gospel means “good news.” The promise God gave us in Genesis 3:15 is the “first good news” shared by God in...


Day 2

As we unpack Genesis 4:1-2, we read that Eve gave birth to two sons. Her firstborn was Cain and her second born was Abel. Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd. As both boys grew up, the time came for them to bring a sacrifice to our Lord. As we read Genesis 4:3-5, we see that Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions...


Day 3

We are continuing to examine Cain and Abel’s offerings to our Lord. We need to understand that God’s standard is always what we must pursue each day so that we walk in a manner that is worthy of our Lord. Some call into question whether Cain could have known that a blood sacrifice was required since the Law did not come until God gave it to M...


Day 4

As we continue in Genesis 4 today, we see that God, in His loving kindness, grace, and mercy, reaches out to Cain. God even gives Cain the warning about his heart not being right with Him. The sad fact is that Cain totally missed what God was saying to him. There was ZERO repentance from his sin because Cain’s anger had control of him. Cain e...


Day 5

On the heels of yesterday’s devotion and seeing how Cain made no response to God’s loving confrontation, we need to ask ourselves, “How do we overcome the darkness of temptation?” The answer is that we need to respond the way God sought to lead Cain to respond. We must turn to God, and we must resist the devil, knowing the devil has to flee (...


Day 6

There are always consequences to our decisions. God gives all of us the freedom to choose to walk in obedience to Him or disobedience to Him. What God does not give us is the freedom to choose the consequences of our decisions. God always has the final word on what the outcome will be of our decisions. Because Cain was unwilling to repent, Go...


Day 7

We don’t know what kind of mark God placed on Cain to protect him (Genesis 4:15), but it was most certainly clear for all to see. After God’s judgment is declared, Cain left to settle in Nod. In Genesis 4:17-22, God lays out Cain’s lineage. God never puts something in His Word that is non-important. Even though the linage may seem unimportant...
