Scripture to Read: Daniel 9:20–27
While Daniel was praying, God sent the angel Gabriel to give Daniel the prophecy in Daniel 9:24–27. Gabriel gives Daniel the Seventy Weeks prophecy. This prophecy is about the Jews and the city of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:24) and consists of a 490-year time period. Gabriel told Daniel the kingdom would come, not after the 490 years Daniel and Israel were coming out of, but at the end of another 490-year period. What we must understand is that each year of the prophecy does NOT consist of the 365-day Gregorian calendar, but it is a 360-day prophetic calendar year, which is confirmed in Revelation 11:2–3. At the end of the 490 years, Gabriel shared six prophecies that would be fulfilled for the Jewish people (the Nation of Israel) in Daniel 9:24. One, “finish the transgression,” two, “to make an end of sin,” three, “to make atonement for iniquity” —these three show us that many Jews will accept Jesus Christ as their Savior— they’ll be born-again as prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31–34. Four, “to bring in everlasting righteousness” speaks of establishing the kingdom of God on the earth in and through the Jewish nation during the millennial reign. Five, “to seal up vision and prophecy” means that all of God’s covenants with Israel will be fulfilled at the end of the 490 years. Six, “to anoint the most holy place” is a reference to an anointing of the temple. So, the political and spiritual restoration of the nation of Israel will be fulfilled at the end of the 490-year period.
Challenge & Application
• We know that God brought salvation to all mankind; so, how are you sharing your faith so others may know Christ?
• We know God keeps all of His promises; so, what promises from God are the most encouraging to you and why?
Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!