Day 6

Scripture to Read: Philippians 2:9–16

On our Highview website, in the “Resources” section, there are several great helps for growing as believers. One section talks about biblical relationships, and the information ties well to having biblical community. Being in community requires building relationships with others. It’s not about sitting in a chair and simply observing, but it’s about investing life to life. Jesus chose to reach the world by investing deeply in a few young men. Jesus constantly built into these men and invested deeply by sharing truth and having life experiences with them. For us to do what Jesus did in reaching the world with the gospel, we must work at being relational. Building friendships takes a lot of hard work because life to life investment takes time and energy. We must see those in our community group as God sees them and think of their needs over our own. God shares how we are to treat others in Philippians 2:3–5, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; 4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. 5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus. This takes self-sacrifice and a willingness to serve others even when it’s inconvenient. The good news is that we are on a journey with our Lord, and we’re called by Him to make disciples as He did. Being in community allows us to serve together, grow together, and see lives transformed by our Lord.

Challenge & Application

· What did you learn about your role today in your community group? · How are you currently serving within your community group and helping others grow in Christ?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

This week, we have the privilege of looking at the biblical basis for “community,” which every believer needs. On our Highview website, we read that “Community describes the relationships that are formed out of being a disciple of Jesus. In community groups, people build authentic relationships with other believers and center their lives on J...


Day 2

As we continue our journey of what biblical community is and why it is so important, we also find this written on our Highview website about community: “Community groups are key to our disciple making strategy because we believe relationships are the primary environment God uses to grow people. We believe that when people learn to share life ...


Day 3

When we consider who we’re “bound to,” we must ask ourselves: “Who is in my inner circle of friendships and the community I’m involved in?” We know God designed us for community and that through community we are to make disciples of Christ. But even in our community, we must be sure that there are strong believers in that community so that we...


Day 4

Community is our focus this week and as we have learned, God created us for community with each other. Having strong biblical community is critical to the health of the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that God placed “equippers” (Ephesians 4:11–12) in His body (Christ’s church) to equip all of the saints (all believers in His church,...


Day 5

As we consider what biblical community should look like, God gives us several beautiful illustrations throughout His Word. One such picture of biblical community is found in Philippians 2. God guided Paul to write these words in Philippians 2:1–2 (Amplified Version) Therefore if there is any encouragement and comfort in Christ [as there certa...


Day 6

On our Highview website, in the “Resources” section, there are several great helps for growing as believers. One section talks about biblical relationships, and the information ties well to having biblical community. Being in community requires building relationships with others. It’s not about sitting in a chair and simply observing, but it’...


Day 7

Christ came into this world so we could know Him and then make Him known to others. The beautiful truth about our Lord is that we have community with our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ because His Holy Spirit lives in us. In 1 John 1, we’re reminded of this precious fellowship with our Lord: 1 John 1:3–7, what we have seen and ...
