Dr. Tony Evans has a new book based on his sermon series called "Kingdom Disciples: Heaven's representatives on Earth." In this series Dr. Evans shows that God's plan to fill the earth with His glory is through the transformed lives of disciples. The Kingdom describes the relationship between people and the king they follow. In other words, how God's people follow Him. It's a reality that has already begun to break into our world, but is not yet complete. It can be understood as God's people living under God's rule, in God's place. When people live this way by the transforming grace of the gospel, the world sees how good, and wise, and powerful God is. Dr. Evans says this about what discipleship should produce in someone's life, "It is not enough simply to say: "I'm on my way to heaven." The issue is, are you becoming like the One who is taking you to heaven? That's discipleship, and that's what Christ wants from you." This concept is often what is missing from "church growth" strategies. We are too often more concerned with people making decisions rather than people being disciples. What kind of lives are people living? What do our priorities, our conduct, our faith, and our aim in life reflect? Is it the kingdom of God, or the kingdom of this world? Our goal in D-Groups is to develop kingdom disciples. People who are being transformed as they follow Jesus for the purpose of them being able to replicate that process with others. Filling the world with the glory of God.
"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." - Col. 1:28-29
Here is a link to Tony Evans book. I hope you will find it encouraging and helpful as you aim to build kingdom disciples.
Tim Keller on Disciple-Making
Tim Keller is a leading practitioner in understanding and reaching the culture for Jesus. He has thought through and developed so many wise and helpful principles on how the gospel confronts the idols of our secular world. In this article he shares some of his thoughts on disciple making.