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"I Am An Ambassador"

March 27, 2020

Discipleship Blog Author

Scott Long

Discipleship Pastor

"I Am An Ambassador"

Charles Spurgeon once said that "every Christian is either a missionary or an imposter." In other words, if we are in relationship with Jesus, we are to be those who are intentionally engaging the lost where God has placed us in life. To make disciples, we must consider ourselves sent ambassadors. We must prioritize the mission of Christ. We must seek to know Jesus and make him known in our spheres of influence. The gospel of John gives an unlikely, but exemplary, example of this kind of lifestyle. 

In John chapter 4 we meet a woman who within 30 verses goes from not knowing Jesus, to being known by Jesus, to making Jesus known. If you read the entire passage you will notice that the woman, often referred to as the "Samaritan woman at the well," came to the well in the middle of the day (the sixth hour) to draw water. Commentators say she came during that time because she wanted to avoid people due to the shame of a promiscuous life (John 4:16-18). She has an encounter with Jesus, who loves her even in her brokenness and offers her eternal life through the living water of the gospel (John 4:10). What I love about this passage is that Jesus knows everything about her life and sin, yet still wants a relationship with her. Jesus also reveals that He is the Messiah and the long-awaited savior of the world who can change people into true worshipers of God through spirit and truth (John 4:22-26). This woman gives us a few keys to becoming Ambassadors for Christ in our everyday lives. Notice what happens after her encounter.

"So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, come see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ? They went out of the town and were coming to Him." -John 4:28-30

After this remarkable revelation this woman is dramatically changed. She came with a water pot to draw physical water, but she leaves having dropped her water pot because she has been filled with spiritual water. (v.28) She comes avoiding people because of the shame she carried, she leaves seeking out people to talk to as an evangelist for Christ. In other words, she has a new identity. She has a new way of seeing herself and a new way of seeing the world, which in turn impacts her actions. Her new identity drives her to share Jesus with other people. That's the first key, believing your new identity. As disciples of Jesus, we have to believe that we have a new identity, and part of that identity is being an ambassador for Christ to the people in our lives. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." Later in the same passage with the same context it also says, "Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" (v. 20). When we believe this and speak it over our lives each day, it changes how we see the world. Imagine if you woke up every morning and went about your daily routine with the mindset of a missionary. Imagine if you believed that since God has made you new, he has also given you a mission in your neighborhood and workplace. If this was our daily mindset, we would seek out that mission with intentionality. Praying for opportunities. Being courageous about opportunities, all as a part of who you are. 

Another thing we notice is that this woman simply shares her story with others. "Come see a man who told me everything I ever did." She didn't get trained in the 3 Circles evangelism tool (although I like that, tool). She didn't take a class on sharing the gospel. She just told people out of joy what Jesus had done in her life. "Jesus is a man that knew all of my sin, and he still offered me living water." This doesn't mean we don't equip ourselves to be effective at sharing the gospel message. But sometimes the best thing we have is the story of a transformed life because of the gospel message. The second key is practicing your testimony and sharing it often. As ambassadors for Christ we should be well versed in talking about how Jesus has changed our lives. Sharing what life was like before Jesus. Sharing how you understood your need for Jesus. Sharing how your life is changing as you follow Jesus. As you engage those people where you live, work, and do recreation, introduce yourself and ask them things about their life. Ask them their story and listen. When they are finished, you can share your story with them and make Jesus the hero of your hope and purpose in life. There is something powerful and irrefutable about a testimony. There is something distinct about Jesus bringing you from death to life, and giving you assurance beyond this temporary world. Share that with people as a door to a deeper conversation about their need for a savior. 

Lastly this woman shows us that ultimately the word of Christ is what saves people. 

"So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His word. They said to the woman, "it is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world." -John 4:40-42

This woman shares her story, people come in response, encountering Jesus for themselves, and they are converted because of what He tells them about himself. The third key is trusting that God's word works. You and I as disciple makers don't convert anyone. We don't have the power over life and death. We can't talk someone into repentance and faith. Only the Holy Spirit can do that through the word of God. As ambassadors, what would it look like to engage the people in your daily lives, share your story with them, and invite them to read God's word with you? Ask them if they would meet for coffee and to read through the gospel of John together. What you will find is that is Jesus will begin to witness for himself. Jesus will begin to deal with sin, righteousness, and the coming judgment. Jesus will declare himself the crucified and risen Son of God. You can simply explain and reason with them about what He said. Trusting that the word of God gives faith in Christ (Rom. 10:17). As ambassadors for Christ, we don't have to be flashy or polished. We just simply have to believe our identity, share our story, and trust that God's word works. Take a page from the book of an unlikely convert living her new identity as an ambassador for Christ. 

Viral Disciple Making

The last few weeks of COVID-19 and "social distancing" have been extremely confusing for those of us committed to sharing life with others and making disciples. This article by Doug Holliday provides some fresh perspective on things we can still be committed to during these strange times.


Grace & Peace, Scott