Day 1

Scripture to Read: Luke 1:26-27

Gabriel, one of God’s archangels, delivered a message from God to Mary. Gabriel delivered the message in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John the Baptist. Mary lived in a little city in Galilee called Nazareth. Nazareth was pretty unremarkable and is not mentioned in the Old Testament. But Jesus would forever be identified with this place, being repeatedly called Jesus of Nazareth in Mark 1:24, Mark 10:47, Luke 4:34, John 18:7, John 19:19, and other passages as well. Mary was engaged to Joseph. To better understand engagement in the days of Mary and Joseph, we need to know that there were three stages to a Jewish wedding. First, there was the engagement: a formal agreement between the fathers of the bridegroom and the bride. Second, there was the betrothal: a ceremony where mutual promises were made between the bridegroom and the bride. Third, the wedding usually happened one year later, when the bridegroom would go to get his bride. Note: the bridegroom's father determined when his son could get his bride, which helps us better understand what Jesus said in John 14:1–3. So, the specific date was unexpected by the bridegroom and the bride. Mary was a virgin and by God's miraculous power, the Spirit planted the seed in her womb to carry God the Son. Jesus was fully man and fully God. This was our Heavenly Father’s perfect plan which He fully orchestrated. We must guard against becoming bored with this incredible Truth. Our entire eternity rests on this Truth which came to us from God the Father.

Challenge & Application

· What did you learn in today’s devotion that you did not know before? · How has what you learned strengthened your faith in all that God has done for you through our Lord Jesus Christ?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

Gabriel, one of God’s archangels, delivered a message from God to Mary. Gabriel delivered the message in the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy with John the Baptist. Mary lived in a little city in Galilee called Nazareth. Nazareth was pretty unremarkable and is not mentioned in the Old Testament. But Jesus would forever be identified with ...


Day 2

It is hard for us to imagine an angel showing up at our place and saying, “Greetings, favored one!” No wonder Mary was perplexed (troubled). She kept wondering why she would receive such a greeting. Being called “favored one” should have calmed any fear Mary may have had, but we read in Luke 1:30 that Gabriel says, “Do not be afraid,” so Mary...


Day 3

God is so gracious with us, and He showed His graciousness to Mary as she asked Gabriel a great question. She asked Gabriel how she would have a child while still a virgin. This was a legitimate question, for there had never been, nor will there ever be again, a pregnancy occurring in a virgin. Mary’s mind was probably spinning as she conside...


Day 4

After Mary heard what God sent Gabriel to tell her, she went to see her relative, Elizabeth. This would have been an 80 to 100-mile trip. Gabriel told Mary of the miracle God performed in Elizabeth’s womb by giving her a child. Mary might have thought that Elizabeth would be the only one to believe and understand her story. When Mary arrived,...


Day 5

In Luke 1:42, Elizabeth shouted with a loud voice, “Blessed are you among women.” Indeed Mary was blessed, for she had chosen to believe God’s Word (Luke 1:44) brought to her by the archangel Gabriel. We, too, received the fullness of God’s blessing when we chose to believe God’s Truth about our Lord Jesus Christ and completely surrender our ...


Day 6

In Luke 1:46–49, Mary began to praise our Lord. Praise is what our Lord deserves from us every day of our lives, for He alone is God, Master, King, Lord. Praise is what every servant of our Lord should be proclaiming. Praising God occurs when we fully understand how awesome He is and all that He has done for us. Mary recognized, as we read in...


Day 7

As Mary continued praising and honoring our Lord, she recognized God’s incredible mercy offered to every generation. But the only ones who will experience the fullness of God’s mercy are those who surrender to Him. Only a life fully surrendered to our God can receive His mercy through Christ our Lord. It’s not that God is not offering His mer...
