Series of Devotionals

Life in Exile - A Series in Daniel

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We are Highview Series

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Advent Sermon Series

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I AM - The Gospel of John

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Easter 2024

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The Psalms

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Sermon on the Mount

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Exodus: God Sees, God Saves

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Easter 2023

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Romans: Preach the Gospel

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Jesus: God has come & dwelt among us.

Advent Sermon Series

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75th Anniversary Celebration

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Vision: The Journey of Discipleship

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Easter 2022

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1 & 2 Peter

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The providence of the LORD

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The promises of the LORD

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In the beginning, GOD

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7 Churches

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Easter 2021

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The Christmas Story: joyful grace in broken pages

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Our King and His Kingdom: Jesus’ Parables in Luke

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Vision Sunday: Journey of Discipleship

The mission of our church is to lead people to know and follow Jesus—so what does that mean? What does Scripture say about being a growing and thriving disciple of Christ? And how do I go about reproducing my faith in others?

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Nehemiah: Restoring the Vision

The people of Judah had every kind of weight and distraction keeping them from going about the work of God's Kingdom. They were exiled. Their nation and its capital were a laughingstock before the nations. Generation after sinful generation had weakened and corrupted any worship and loyalty to the God of their ancestors. Yet, the story of Nehemiah is the story of God moving in His people to restore a vision for His glory because of who He is and what He would do among them. As we face similar challenges--pandemic, economic factors, racial and social tensions, personal sin--God is calling us to look to who He is and what He has done for us. If we are going to move forward in the mission of God, it’s going to require that we step out in faith. It’s going to require that we put aside the distractions and the weights and restore the vision of discipleship and of reaching our neighbors for Christ.

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The church in Thessalonica was disoriented by affliction and confused about the end times and false teachings. They longed for the return of Christ and needed comfort in the hard times they were facing. Paul calls them to stand firm and remain steadfast on the gospel. In these disorienting times, the call for us is the same: to stay confident and hopeful because the truths of the gospel are Unshaken. In this series, we’ll study through the Thessalonian letters to see the connection between that young church and the challenges that we face today.

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Easter 2020

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